Substantial Dialouge

They've gotten stronger...and they talk a lot more too. For those of you who do not know, these two are my niece and nephew, and this is how we interact. It always starts with one of them doing something, and the other one following. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To add to the dynamic duos ability to control the room, these interactions always include a lot of talking, and believe it or not, most of it is not coming from me. Partially due to the fact that I've realized that together, they are just too powerful. My nephew is now speaking, and my niece is on the brink of doing the same. Whether it's telling everyone a story, or just making sounds and grunting, respectively they are both constantly exploring language. Although often difficult to distinguish, they both mean what they say and should be taken seriously. Obviously there will be conversations that we have that are not going to remain on the top of our 'revisit' list due to a perceive...