Lunchroom Marketplace
Remember the lunchroom in school? You know, the heart of cliques, the epicenter of gossip, and the hub of grade-school dramatics... But above all else, the lunchroom was the first free market system most of us were introduced to, where the prices of each good were determined by the people. Whether through cash or trading and bartering, lunch transactions always ran rampant during this period of the day. Personally, there were not many prices I wasn't willing to spend for zebra cakes. Cheez-its were also very high on my demand list. It was always about what you didn't have, and how you could obtain it. These trade talks could last several minutes, and only became more complicated as other parties were interested in some of the goods. What started as a simple chocolate chip cookie for a bag of Cheez-its deal between two students in a '1 for 1' trade, quickly turned into a hostile bidding war between too many hungry adolescents. And before you know it, the...