
Showing posts from August, 2017

Vulnerably Addressed

Public speaking has consistently been a fear of many. Often times we fear speaking because there may be others who are actually listening to what we are saying, and if heard, those words can be forever connected to the speaker; a daunting and typically unfavorable realization we endure. Words that may be cherished by the speaker, and genuine in their intent may be taken out of context or deemed irrational. A passionate thought that likely could be influenced by the current climate it is expressed in could come off as 'overly emotional', leading to a lack of confidence in delivery.  Lack of confidence can be magnified when the possible rejection in a rebuttal is acknowledged. Every word bares a vulnerability of one's mind that we would rather not share at times. We choose not to share them because they may be a snapshot that could change within an hour, or even within minutes.  With that, too often we chose silence. Unfortunately, silence does not fix any fault...

This is 50

This is our 50th post and it is nice to reach this milestone. We appreciate your viewership. As a token of our appreciation here at Club SEBU, we have decided to run down all of the previous posts, providing a brief summary containing the focal points of each. I am going to try to keep each synopsis to only one sentence, but forgive me when I likely go over that quota. I have a tendency to over explain... I also hyperlinked each post so if you are like me and have forgotten what each title means, you have the luxury of refreshing your memory with a simple click of a button... Without further ado, I present to you This is 50 . -- 1. The Real is Back. Revamped. Refreshed. I returned back from a very long hiatus; only to share long-winded stories that make me laugh more than they make anyone else laugh. 2. Never Forget the Roots This is all of the old blog posts from the college version of the Club SEBU blog; raw and unfiltered.  Forgive me and my youthful ways... ...