
Showing posts from 2018

Top Priority

Peace before everything; I don't want any trouble. I recognize that it has been quite some time since the last post, but have no fear, we are back... Well, not exactly. This post will not have as much substance as some of the past posts, but there are several posts that are currently marinating and should be ready shortly. This is where the priority piece becomes relevant. Considering the initial purpose of these posts (procrastinating), it would not be wise for me to spend too much time here when I have more pressing tasks to take care of. Thankfully, there is less than a month left in school, which will open up more time to post and complete books that I said I was going to complete on April 8th.  Sorry all... As I briefly mentioned above, I have been working on a few different posts and WILL have several ready to release in the coming days. Thank you for your patience, and I will see you soon. Until next time, Long Live The People

Make the 'Test'

Nothing like a semester break...but now it's back to business. Reading, homework, activities, studying and exams. I have always had an interesting relationship with exams dating back to my early years of elementary school.  I liked them, but not in the way you might think. I liked to make exams. I created my first exam before I had taken my first real exam in school. Yes, I created an exam....Hold the applause. Before you get too carried away with applause, let me be honest about the magnitude of this "exam"... I had a children's almanac growing up that I used to look through from time to time.  When I say time to time, I mean daily...and each year I would get a new one to dissect. For whatever which reason, I decided one day that I wanted to design an exam for some students to take and evaluate what they have learned. The only problem was the students were my siblings, and I had not taught them anything to test them on.  Nonetheless, I was sti...

Sign The Dotted Line

Art, music and sports are wonderful activities, but they are not substitutes to academics. Sure, they are compliments to one another, but even the most artistically, musically, and athletically inclined will need to know some of the bare necessities as it pertains to academics. I often hear of scenarios where some gifted students will be pushed towards or pushed along in one of these creative fields as a form of "help"... "They are just so gifted anyways, they can make so much money this way" they say... Although I can't determine the exact reasons why, I can speculate, and this type of premature advancement taking place appears to bare harsh ramifications. It is easy to say that those students would likely choose not to partake in the educational components that may be attached to these art forms so why bother... But once again, this premise does not hold much weight. Even in the event that one of these students becomes overwhelmingly self-suffici...

Words Unspoken

A friend of mine shared a piece of their writing with me a few minutes ago and it got me thinking about how I haven't been able to post in a while. After small conversation regarding the piece, I started thinking about how we all have thoughts to share and sometimes bottle them up, then let them fester out of control. Although there is good reason to let thoughts marinate until they are ready to share, overcooked meals don't taste very good either. Does that make sense? The idea is at some point, sharing is the next step.  Paralysis by analysis is a real place and some of the greatest ideas go there to never see the light of day. Just think...somewhere, someone is thinking of very similar ideas, but could be waiting for someone else to say it before they engage in the conversation... If no one ever speaks out, we can only hope that those dialogues occur on their own, which is never guaranteed. Meaning anyone who needed those words isn't guaranteed t...

Lunchroom Marketplace

Remember the lunchroom in school? You know, the heart of cliques, the epicenter of gossip, and the hub of grade-school dramatics... But above all else, the lunchroom was the first free market system most of us were introduced to, where the prices of each good were determined by the people. Whether through cash or trading and bartering, lunch transactions always ran rampant during this period of the day. Personally, there were not many prices I wasn't willing to spend for zebra cakes.  Cheez-its were also very high on my demand list. It was always about what you didn't have, and how you could obtain it. These trade talks could last several minutes, and only became more complicated as other parties were interested in some of the goods. What started as a simple chocolate chip cookie for a bag of Cheez-its deal between two students in a '1 for 1' trade, quickly turned into a hostile bidding war between too many hungry adolescents. And before you know it, the...

New Year, New Me

I had to. Boot up your social mediums and prepare yourself to see the countless recurrence of this phrase. Now, I could pick the low hanging fruit and bash the cliche "new year, new me" phenomenon, but I decided against it. Is the phrase played out? Possibly... But nonetheless, what works for you, works for you, and I wish you all the best. It is indeed a new year, and if you would like to be a new you, do that... If you want to be the same? Do that too. If you want to make some adjustments, and leave others as they can always do that as well. Regardless, in whatever you choose to do in this new year, do what is best for you.  Don't forget those who have helped you along the way.  Seek improvements you could make, but also appreciate the work you have done up to this point as you embark on a new 365-day challenge.  Determine the best approach and devise a strategy to achieve your destiny. Each year is a new experience, filled with new...